2017 Viper & K6 UK National Championships


The entry is now open to the K6 & Viper Nationals, hosted from 8-10 September by Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy.
All details, including NoR, entry form, socials, is at http://www.k6class.org/events.html Please would you enter on the form at this link and I will let you know how to pay.
Social The plan is to eat at Billy Winters – https://m.facebook.com/billywintersbaranddiner/… – on Friday night, and at The Boat That Rocks in Portland Harbour – https://www.tbtr.co.uk/ – on Saturday night. You can let us know the number of people from your party accompanying us on the entry form. We will split the bill so no advance payment required.

Contact Heather Chipperfield for more K6 information on heather.chipperfield@googlemail.com

Or Debbie Jarvis for more Viper information on debbie@rondarboats.com

Weymouth & Portland Harbour